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We have installed a germ guardian true HEPA air purifier the reduces the spread of germs by attacking microscopic airborne bacteria, viruses and mold spores as they pass through the UV-C light.
Stations will be spotless and sanitized after every guest.
We have removed magazines and old literature and replaced with new brochures.
Extended appointment times are made to avoid congestion.
Clients will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry and requrired to wear mask(If client do not have one we will provide it at our location)
Staff will wash hands between clients.
Staff will be wearing masks at all times and gloves when possible.
All tools are disinfected after each use.
Hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes will be available at every station.
We will not be serving any unwrapped snacks.
Please stay home if you have any signs and symptoms of illness
*You must arrive on time to your appointment to avoid congestion and give extra time to sanitize spa.
Let us know if you have any more questions.
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